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JavaScript : Hiding Email Addresses

Also known as “Fooling SpamBots”, this JavaScript code example makes it difficult for SpamBots to automatically obtain email addresses when they scan your web pages. The JavaScript function “breaks” your email address into components and “re-assembles” the components for display on the page.

As a result, there is nowhere in your source code that provides a full, intact email address that can be easily parsed from your file. Anything one can do to fool spammers is a good thing I say.

Here's the code for the function:


var lhs = "web";
var rhs = "blazonry.com";

function print_mail_to_link()
   document.write("<a href=\"mailto");
   document.write(":" + lhs + "@");
   document.write(rhs + "\">" + lhs + "@" + rhs + "<\/a>");


Here's the code to call the function:

This code goes where you want your “mailto” address to appear on the page.

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

A normal-looking email address link appears on your page and looks like:

But nowhere in your HTML is there an email address that is intact and deciperable by SpamBots. (grin)

Of course, you can modify the function to display the email address not as a link but as plain old non-linkable text.


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